Dr. Morakinyo Ayodele Olufemi

Dr. Olufemi Ayodele Morakinyo is an Associate Professor at the Department of Physiology,  University of Lagos. He holds a doctoral degree from the same institution and his research interest lies in the areas of nutrition, diabetes, and energy metabolism. More specifically, he is interested in (i) the role of micronutrients on the risk of onset and progression of diabetes mellitus, (ii) how environmental factors such as stress, pollution, and malnutrition impact metabolic functions, and (iii) the epigenetic potential of perinatal exposure to these factors on metabolic and endocrine functions in the offspring. Dr. Morakinyo has acted as principal investigator (PI) or co-principal investigator (Co-PI) in over 40 research projects and produced 40+ refereed journal articles and conference publications. He has supervised more than 30 undergraduate students, and 12 graduate research dissertations including a PhD thesis. He has to his credit multiple grant awards including TETFUND, UNILAG CRC, and MEPI and his research team recently won the Lagos State Science Research and Innovation Council (LASRIC) innovation grant. He was also a visiting researcher at the Institute for Cell and Molecular Biosciences at Newcastle University

  • B.Sc.
  • M.Sc.
  • Ph.D.