Dr Olufunke Dosumu

Dr Dosumu Olufunke is an Associate Professor with over 20 years of experience. Her specialty is in the field of reproductive endocrinology with a keen interest in male fertility. She also has a subspecialty in the field of neuroscience. She presently leads the Neuro-Repro research group in the Department and is the pioneer leader of Drosophila research in the Department. She has successfully supervised several Master of Science dissertations and is currently supervising Ph.D. Students at different stages of their programme. She has authored several scientific publications in her field and has contributed to some textbooks in Anatomy. She has served as external examiner to several Universities including University of Accra, Ghana and Kwazulu-Natal University, South Africa. 

Dr Dosumu is currently the PI of a CRC grant awarded by the University of Lagos as well as co-investigator of the Africa-UniNet Research grant sponsored by the Austrian agency for international cooperation in education and research (OEAD). She is a member of several Academic Societies/Associations and serves as Reviewer for different Journals as part of her contribution to the science community.

  • B.sc. Anatomy
  • M.sc. Anatomy
  • Ph.D.  Anatomy